Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ooops! It's been quite a while!

I have just realised how long it has been since my last post - sorry folks! there have been several projects for the f11 photo group including one of my suggestions - Avedon, as in Richard.

Whilst on our honeymoon in Paris we stumbled across an exhibition of his work including 'in the American west' series. To see these prints in the flesh was awe inspiring. I wanted to have a go at my interpretation of his work and finally I had my chance.

Avedon used daylight for his work - a luxury I did not have with the failing winter light so I had to get creative with some speed lights. I wanted to use Jeff as my muse in either a painter or fisherman guise. Time limited me to a single choice - the fisherman - this was based around the image of a young teenage boy that Avedon had captured holding a shotgun. A short 30 minute shoot followed with Jeff striking various poses until I found the one I thought provided the stronger composition - slightly more unnatural with the hand positioning, but better for it I think.

The print was done on a warm-tone fiber based paper which added to the finished product.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Twilight project - part 2

On sunday evening we managed to arrange to shoot the second part of the twilight project. This required the help of Callum and Becky as models and the use of Binley woods as the backdrop. Kate led this part of the project with myself and Jon as the assistants. We were being eaten alive by mosquitos.

More to follow.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Twilight Hours project - final images

I think these turned out pretty well, please leave feedback in the comments section.


Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Jonathan Worth photo shoot images

I helped Jonathan Worth with a studio shoot a few months ago at the uni. Jonathan had spotted Devonne and Bayleigh at a fashion show a few days before and arranged to meet up with them and their mum to do some shots. We set up the studio and shot on both digital and medium format. It was a great experience for me and I learned a lot from JW. Please check out his excellent work via the link at the bottom of this post.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Twilight Project - update

The twilight project part 1 has been shot, we had an afternoon of set design and building on location at our allotment. Kate and I have teamed up for this project, we have a 3 photo series in mind, hopefully we can get parts 2 & 3 shot but the weather isn't helping at the moment!

Here are the reference images I used for my idea from Gregory Crewdson's Beneath the roses series.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Catch up time!

It's been a hectic few months with the photo group - f11. We've been on a field trip to Shell island in wales and put on our first exhibition with 1 weeks notice! It was a storming show with the 1AM finishes paying off!
Last night we had our regular meeting which had loads of new faces, thanks to everyone that came along - both old and new!

The new project for this month is "twilight hours". Got a few initial ideas but nothing concrete yet, at least I will have to plan this one alittle more, I can't really do it the same day of the next meeting (11/8/09). Find below a bit of research I have found.

Feeling quite poorly at the mo, hope I haven't got swine flu!


cool website for the sunrise/sunset times

Friday, 19 June 2009

Fishbone photography exhibition - including my work!

Fishbone Photographic Arts Group would like to invite you to their annual exhibition. The exhibition runs from 27th June to 11th July 2009. The private view is being held on Thursday 25th June from 6pm until 9pm. Come along to find out more about the group.



Fishbone Gallery, 11 Hurst Road, Longford, Coventry. CV6 6EG.