Friday, 19 June 2009

Fishbone photography exhibition - including my work!

Fishbone Photographic Arts Group would like to invite you to their annual exhibition. The exhibition runs from 27th June to 11th July 2009. The private view is being held on Thursday 25th June from 6pm until 9pm. Come along to find out more about the group.



Fishbone Gallery, 11 Hurst Road, Longford, Coventry. CV6 6EG.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


This months project for the fishbone photo arts group was silence. My idea came from TV/radio. Media creates a continual amount of sound/chatter in our everyday life. My inspiration came from looking up at the skyline in the city centre and seeing a vast array of aerials and transmitter dishes, this got me thinking about the whole process of electronic communications. I thought about the actual machinery/electronics/technology - these components and circuits that convey all these sounds are silent, when was the last time a resistor came up and shouted at you? ;->

My idea developed towards what would happen in the radio/tv studio that creates all this media without humans? The technology is still quietly sat there but there isn't a flesh and blood presenter to communicate to the masses.

These ideas linked to the end of term at the university, which unlike what most students think, are manned by us mere technicians all summer long. The hustle and bustle of students has passed and the corridors and rooms are left empty and untrodden. I decided to document the radio studios as I found them, lit with a few dim halogen spot lights in a silent acoustically sealed space, you feel isolated from the real world outside.

I started with a few close up shots and then developed the idea to try to show the emptiness and convey the silence. The feedback from the group was very constructive and I am now on the look out to find a third image to join these two.