Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ooops! It's been quite a while!

I have just realised how long it has been since my last post - sorry folks! there have been several projects for the f11 photo group including one of my suggestions - Avedon, as in Richard.

Whilst on our honeymoon in Paris we stumbled across an exhibition of his work including 'in the American west' series. To see these prints in the flesh was awe inspiring. I wanted to have a go at my interpretation of his work and finally I had my chance.

Avedon used daylight for his work - a luxury I did not have with the failing winter light so I had to get creative with some speed lights. I wanted to use Jeff as my muse in either a painter or fisherman guise. Time limited me to a single choice - the fisherman - this was based around the image of a young teenage boy that Avedon had captured holding a shotgun. A short 30 minute shoot followed with Jeff striking various poses until I found the one I thought provided the stronger composition - slightly more unnatural with the hand positioning, but better for it I think.

The print was done on a warm-tone fiber based paper which added to the finished product.