Tuesday, 21 April 2009

"Interior" project

I grabbed 15 minutes from my lunch break yesterday to take a look at the space I want to use for the 'Interiors' project for fishpharts. There is a wonderful spave in the building I work in, it's the Ellen Terry building which used to be the old Odeon cinema on Jordans Well in the city centre of Coventry.

I took a DSLR and a speed lite to grab a few images. I will post a couple later as I haven't got the DVD to hand at the moment. The space is currently being used ny some MA students for a performace, hopefully I can get in the space to do my full shoot.

The dome is a huge space and is quite eery. It hasn't been reovated yet and is full of dust and cobwebs. My test shots gave me food for thought, and with a crative nudge from Kate I now know what direction to go in.

Here's a few exterior images of the building.

1 comment:

  1. very nice blog~ ^^
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    Have a great day~
    Thanks a lot~~~ ^^
